Top 10 Questions About Skyline Prep High School
Posted on May 11, 2021 by skylineprep
Choosing a school for your student is a big decision. If you’re considering enrolling at Skyline Prep, we’re here to help.
Below, we’re answering the most commonly asked questions parents and students ask about our school. To learn more about public charter schools in Arizona, check out our comprehensive Guide to Arizona Public Charter Schools.
1. Is this school tuition-based?
Skyline Prep is tuition-free, however there are certain fees for the following activities / services.
- Lab Fee: $25.00
- This fee covers school ID, computer lab fee, and classroom lab equipment costs.
- *Each student must also purchase their own earphones.
- Bus Transportation Reservation Fee: $25.00
- Student IDs are required for ALL bus riders. A one-time fee to assure your status is required.
- After School Dance Company or Cheer Fee: $50
- There is a $50.00 one-time fee for students who want to further their performing arts, cheer, and dance careers.
- Competitive Team Athletics Fee (grades 5 and up): $50.00
- This one-time fee covers referees, supplies, uniforms, and equipment costs.
- *If this fee is paid by end of August, no additional athletics fee is due for the rest of the year.
- PSAT Test Fee: $20.00
- There is a $20 fee for 9th and 11th grade students. Juniors may receive a waiver.
- Competitive Tackle Football Athletics Fee: $100.00
- This is a one-time fee for referees, supplies, uniforms, and equipment costs.
2. Are there boundaries to attend the school?
Under Arizona state law, students may apply for admission to any public school, based on available classroom space (A.R.S. § 15-816.01). The law requires that school districts develop policies regarding open enrollment that may include transportation and that the policies shall be posted on the district’s website and available to the public upon request.
3. Do students have to wear uniforms?
The following is a general guide that may be used in helping the student select appropriate
clothing. Final dress code violations will be determined at the Administrator’s discretion.
• Tops that reveal bra straps, cleavage, bare midriffs or backs will not be allowed.
• Tops may not be see-through or torn.
• Tube or halter tops are not allowed.
• Strapless tops are not allowed.
• Straps must be at least 2 inches wide to be worn.
• Spaghetti straps are not allowed.
• Tops must have both shoulder straps.
• Pants must be pulled up, worn at the waist, with no undergarments exposed the entire school
• Pants may not be worn low-hung across or below the hips.
• Students cannot wear excessively baggy or sagging pants.
• Pants may not be distressed or have holes, rips, or tears.
• Must be fitted at the waist and conceal all undergarments.
• Must be at a reasonable and modest length, at least to the end of his/her fingertips with arms
fully extended.
• Excessively short shorts are not acceptable even if tights, spanks, or leggings are worn
underneath them.
Skirts, Dresses, Jumpers, Shirts, Sports Wear:
• Must be worn at a reasonable and modest length, at least to the end of his/her fingertips with
arms fully extended
• Strapless dresses are not allowed.
• Bedroom slippers may not be worn.
• Shoes that could cause injury to another student (such as shoes with spiked heels/toes) or shoes
with wheels may not be worn.
• SLIDES & FLIP FLOPS are not permitted.
• For safety reasons, all shoes must be enclosed (no open-toed shoes)
• Footwear must be worn at all times.
• Must be worn at the waist to keep pants up at the proper level.
• Must be an appropriate size, buckled, and worn through belt loops.
• Excessive length of a belt must be pulled through belt loops.
• Hats, caps, or hoods are not to be worn inside the building by boys or girls.
• Hats worn outside of the building may only be worn with the bill facing forward.
• Hair-nets, bandanas, doo rags or wave caps may not be worn or displayed.
• Attire, or accessories, with lettering or drawings which depict sexually suggestive expressions
or actions, profanity, obscenity, drugs, alcohol or tobacco shall not be worn.
• Torn or radically altered clothing is not permitted.
• The school reserves the right to restrict clothing if it has become a symbol for gangs in the
community and/or surrounding areas.
• Gang related symbols or insignias on books, caps, belongings, or apparel are not allowed.
• Pajamas are not to be worn to school.
• Slips and camisoles may not be worn as dresses or tops.
• Facial jewelry such as lip piercings, ear discs/gauges, and/or tattoos are not permitted.
• Attire or adornments disruptive to the educational environment are not allowed.
• Blankets are not an acceptable alternative to jackets or other outerwear.
• Any clothes that are too tight, too short, or too revealing are not appropriate.
• Final dress code violations will be determined at the Administrator’s discretion
4. What kind of curriculum is taught?
We offer technology to all of our students. Each student will receive a Chromebook for the school year.
Skyline Prep follows Skyline Education’s rigorous academic program incorporating a college prep, standards-based curriculum for Academics, Arts and Athletics.
The curriculum uses a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) to drive instruction. All curriculum is nationally recognized and is based on Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and C3 Framework (College, Career and Civic Life for Social Studies). Curriculum is streamlined from Pre-K through 12 and is housed in Atlas, a centralized curriculum management system.
For English/Language Arts (ELA) students use Core Knowledge Language Arts Listening and Learning Strand. For mathematics we use Eureka Math which integrates into the CCLS. For Science in the NGSS, grades 5-12 use SEPUP (Science Education for Public Understanding Program). For Social Studies, the C3 Framework is used for all grades that aligns with CCLS. In addition to these programs, we have digital support programs to compliment instruction. In grades 5-12, students use USA Test Prep and Edgenuity MyPath.
5. Do you have a counselor on campus?
We have behavior interventionists who work as counselors to help students through difficult situations.
6. What kind of sports do we offer for different grade levels?
Skyline Prep’s athletic programs are among the best in the state. We participate in the Charter Athletic Association (CAA) as well as National Level Competitive Sports.
Sports available throughout the school year include: football, basketball, soccer, track and girls’ volleyball.
7. Do you have bussing?
Yes, transportation services are available on a first come, first served basis. A one-time fee is required to assure your status.
8. What are your school hours?
School hours are Monday – Thursday 8:45AM – 4:15PM.
Friday – early release: 8:45AM – 1:30PM
Office hours are Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 4:30PM.
9. How many students/classrooms are there?
There is a maximum of 25 students per classroom, average class of 23 students.
10. Are you accepting applications?
Yes! We are currently enrolling for the 2021-2022 school year. Click here to start your online application.